Udi Label Document

Today, I opened the “UDI Label (for non-serialized parts)” file in Cetec and noticed a few things missing.
Udi Document
For instance, the lot code column displays “N/A.” I tried adding a lot number in the order line under “Serial,” hoping the value would fetch from the serial label, but the lot code still shows “N/A.” Additionally, the barcode only displays the part number, and the lot code, date code, and serial number are missing. Could you please review and advise why these values are not appearing in the document?
Rana Muneeb

Hi @rana826,

It looks like you are using a custom document for your UDI Label document. As noted on the Custom Documents screen, all support/assistance for custom documents and related issues will require specialized support, and thus require billable time.

With that said, would you like me to reach out to our engineering team to have them review your custom document?