URGENT! version 4.17.158 Put away screen does not autofocus on "To Bin " FIELD.

This really messes up work flow for receiving personnel.
it requires them to click on the screen every time to focus the “To Bin” field every time they want to put away a product.
It also makes it necessary to click the screen everytime you want to move a product.

This is an efficiency killer beyond!

Please restore this ASAP.


@sisyfos ,

Thank you for the details. I’ll review this with our engineering team and be in touch with you as I have information.

Cetec ERP Team

@sisyfos ,

Quick question, when putting away material are you scanning bin barcodes or manually entering the bin name?

Cetec ERP TEam

Scanning barcodes


That is why it is a big issue… As it was yesterday you only needed to glance at the screen to see that the scan was ok and the product got moved.
Now you have to walk up to the screen and focus the field and then scan…


You shouldn’t need to focus on the “To Bin” field when scanning the bin barcode. The barcode handler will populate the correct field when it sees that a BIN barcode has been scanned.
Is it not working properly for you without focusing on the “To Bin” input field?

No it is not working for me at all.
Nothing happens when we scan our bin barcode.
Do I need to prefix the barcode with BIN now? so that it is encoded into the barcode?

Why can’t you just make it like it was?
It is perfect for those who want to type also, just put away and then start typing.
You have to understand that people with handhelds are using this system they want as few clicks as possible.


The default barcode is prefixed with ‘BIN’. The system expects that prefix so it knows how to handle the barcode. This is how many barcodes in the system work.
Do you have a custom document for your barcode in which you’ve removed the ‘BIN’ prefix?
If so, adding it back will enable the barcode handler to pick up on the scan properly.

I have had my Barcodes for over a year and I have not had them prefixed with BIN and it has worked for over a year!
But ok…we will have to change all our barcodes then.


We’ll work on making the barcode handler more robust to handle bin barcodes with and without the BIN prefix in an upcoming hotfix.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this issue.