Hello, anyone have the format required for Voucher import using excel?
If you go to the voucher import screen under Accounting> A/P> Voucher Import you can see the required columns there. Are you having any issues with the import that don’t seem to be working?
Cetec ERP Support
Yes, I can’t seem to find the invoices as posted. They were paid and I see that side of the transaction, but the debit to expense and credit to AP is missing.
What vouchers are you seeing that have this issue? You imported those vouchers? What was your file formatted as?
Cetec ERP Support
there were 2 excel files imported.
The VOUCHER side (debit expense, credit AP) seems to be missing from 98 out of 107 vouchers. I can’t query on the voucher itself, nor can I find the charge in the expense account. In ANY month.
The PAYMENT side (debit AP, credit CASH) is fine, so the result is that I have about a $13k debit to my AP where it should be zero.
Can you help with this? I mean can you access my site? In the Trial Balance, you need to look at account 212000 (Accts Payable). For example, you’ll see Entry # 5889 is a payment for a lot of vouchers, but the vouchers are nowhere to be found (unless they got posted somewhere other than what we put in the upload). Please tell me I missed a step somewhere.
I am going to escalate this to our accounting team and get back to you.
Cetec ERP Support
Were there any Vendors included in the Voucher upload?
CETEC ERP Customer Support
Yes. These are vouchers included in the monthly visa payment, so we assigned them all to the same vendor (one vendor per payment - there were 2 payments, 2 uploads). One was called “MW VISA” and the other was “SB VISA”.
Possible that there is another issue with the file uploads causing the Voucher ledger splits to not populate. I will send you direct email so that you can email us the upload files used in upload to CETEC and we’ll take a look.
CETEC ERP Customer Support
While the engineering team looks into the issue where the Voucher Import failed to create Ledger splits, wehave a workaround for you to get those Ledger splits created.
Click the ‘Mark As Unpaid’ button on this MW VISA AP Payment 284 Cetec ERP . Once it completes and the page refreshes, open another tab with this Ledger link Cetec ERP to confirm that the ledger splits for Vouchers 368 thru 445 have splits.When confirmed, go back to AP Payment 284 and click the ‘Mark As Paid’ button.
The 29 Vouchers on SB VISA AP Payments 287 and 288 have Ledger splits, as you can see here, so you don’t have to do anything for them Cetec ERP
Cetec ERP Support
Thanks. I’ve been emailing back and forth with Arlene and I’ve also signed up for the standard support plan, so I won’t waste this resource any further. Thank you for all your help.
Checking to see if you saw the reply on the customer support tickeet.
Let us know if we can assist you further.
CETEC ERP Customer Support
Not sure what’s happening. I followed the steps and everything looks good, but was told to not use Voucher Import until engineering has a look. I have some more to do soon, so I hope they figure out what happened soon.
I’m assuming there are other users that use the AP voucher import function. Any problems from anyone else?
Not sure why but I think you did not receive the email that would have been generated on the support ticket…I have re-added you as collaborator on that ticket. Please let us know if you have received email from the ticket as to the resolution. I am copying that ticket reply here:
Engineers were able to test uploading a Voucher import that includes an External_Key column and it was successful. We have included an example Voucher import document with the single line from the test so that you have an example to follow for the next Voucher import document you create for upload. That document is saved on the support ticket in documents link, upper left menu…The updated format for the upload document will look like this:
invoice_date | vendor_name | invoice_amount | gl_account_number | internal_comments | external_key |
2023-10-13 | MW VISA | 757.47 | 520140 | UNITED AIR 1691794793529 | 12345 |
The External_Key is simply any unique number (example uses 12345) to be used for each Voucher, so if first line/Voucher is 12345, the next line/Voucher will be 12346 and so on. If any Voucher populates more than one line (splitting any single Voucher to several GL expense accounts or other situation), the External_Key number would not advance on those splits, as External_Key is unique to only one Voucher. You would want to save your upload document so that you could begin any subsequent upload with the next consecutive number to avoid repeating a unique External_Key on subsequent uploads.
Please let us know if this all makes sense and when you attempt the next Voucher upload using the example to create your upload document, certainly get back to us on this case (it will re-open) if these instructions do not resolve your issue."
CETEC ERP Customer Support accounting team