Part Historical Demand / Finished Goods

I seem to be have a very similar problem as this older post. Please refer to the following report:

Historical Demand Report

This part is machined from aluminum, and is used across multiple products (i.e. finished goods) and product subassemblies. In January 2022, we machined (built) 500 parts for inventory, then used 60 parts to build products. The historical demand for that month is showing a total of 560, but I believe it should only show 60. The 500 was creating supply, the 60 was the demand for that month.

Is there a way to fix this or is there a way around it? The ‘sales history’ for the part would be useful if it could be exported. The invoice history only shows invoices/quantities for making the part itself (supply) - not invoices for consuming the part to make products (demand).

Secondly, is there some way to indicate which prcparts are “finished goods” and which are components?

Thank you!

Hi Jesse,

Thanks for the question!

Regarding this:

I think what you might be looking for here is running the Sales >> Invoices >> Invoice As Used report. If you type in the prcpart you’re wanting information on into the “prcpart” field of that report, that should give you the information you’re looking for.

I believe this is the same data that should be populating the “use” column on the Historical Part Demand report… if that is not the case, please let us know and provide a use case / URL example of this and we can take a look!

Thank you!

That does work, thank you!

It doesn’t appear to be the same data populating the Historical Part Demand. We are currently making our prcpart FAB46108003.AA, and the reports for December 2023 are as follows:

You can see the Historical Part Demand column for December 2023 (Shipped) is the sum of the Invoice as Used and the part PO history for the same period. The Invoice as Used gives us the correct orders where the prcpart is used, and the PO history links to the orders where the prcpart was made.

We use this information to help with production planning. Since several of our parts are used across multiple products, it is helpful to see how many were consumed/used in past years.


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