Vendor commissions are not calculating. We pay either 2.5% or 5% and on the report, it is showing this but the amount is $0 on all for March 2024.
Anything on this???
Would you mind sending me a link to what you’re seeing? I’m happy to look into this.
- Cetec ERP Support
I wonder if this is related to the same issue I had earlier that was corrected and was working for some amount of time. Here is the past issue I had:
I noticed problems with this last week as well, but didn’t have time to dig into it.
Thank you so for sending this link Jennifer. I’m going to escalate this engineering for you.
- Cetec ERP Support
I am working on commissions for April now and this is still not working correctly.
I had engineering double check this and everything looks normal on our end. Can you please try hard refreshing a few times? This is likely a cacheing issue.
- Cetec ERP Support
Our commissions are STILL adding incorrectly. This has been going on for months now. I am having to manually calculate this!
Very frustrating
I am so sorry for the frustration. Could you please send me a link of what you’re seeing, and a screenshot or two as well? I’m escalating this to engineering for another look.
- Cetec ERP Support
When I export this file, the commissions are not calculated correctly. I am having to manually calculate monthly.[]&__pageIndex__=0&__pageSize__=25&__reload__=1
Thank you for sending this in. I just sent the report to our engineering team.
- Cetec ERP Support
After chatting with engineering, they wanted me to share this message:
- It appears that you are viewing the report by ‘detail’, so it’s showing the line level
- However, the commission is ‘header’ level, so it applies to all lines
- The commission value you are seeing on that report is a result of commission (2.5%) * ext resale (of both lines, which is 199.93)
Engineering advised me to point you to the Invoice Commissions list as a solution for now.
However, they are also sympathetic to the frustration being experienced. We made a change on the invoice commissions list to show the breakdown per line for header-level commissions, we can move towards doing the same here for increased clarity.
- Cetec ERP Support
Will you please let me know when this is complete?
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